AW Blogroll: Memories of The Halloween Tree

The Halloween Tree, Salem 2008. By Beth
The Halloween Tree, Salem 2008. By Beth

This month, the Absolute Write blog roll decided to follow the prompt of “anything related to autumn or Halloween.” I was preceded by Angyl78 and will be followed by Trulyana!

October. The one month of the year to inspire such varying images. The innocence of childhood and the deep dark of the world lock horns, struggling to gain importance. So, which is it? A holiday for the children or for the adults?

Growing up, I made a Halloween tradition for myself. I would read Ray Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree every October. This story, about a group of friends who rescue their friend Pip, is more than just a book. It’s about realizing childhood must come to an end.

I haven’t read The Halloween Tree in some time, not since my freshman year of high school. As I look back, I’ve discovered just how much that book meant.

I first read it in early middle school (or perhaps the fifth grade) after viewing the movie version one fateful Saturday. I didn’t know who Bradbury was. The histories and traditions described in the book drew in the budding amateur mythologist. I enjoyed it, intrigued by the worlds explored. So it continued until high school, when I no longer took part in this ritual.

I wish to read it once again. To experience the story I knew then and the story of deep friendship, maturation, and sacrifice I recognize the book to truly contain. The friends mature, they band together, they lose their innocence, they discover their own mortality. To the characters and me, Halloween is now more than costumes and candy. It’s life, death, everything tied up in one night.


1. Lost Wanderer –
2. Claire Crossdale –
3. Angela 785 –
4. Ravencorinncarluk –
5. Angyl78 –
6. shethinkstoomuch –
7. trulyana –
8. Bsolah –
9. freshhell –
10. Ralph Pines –
11. aimeelaine –
12. HigherEdUnderground –
13. Cath –
14. DavidZahir –

14 thoughts on “AW Blogroll: Memories of The Halloween Tree

  1. I remember that story! Ray Bradbury–an amazing writer, can somehow summon up a kind of dream world that feels more real that reality. Wow.

    Thanks for the memories.

    1. You’re welcome! And thanks for stopping by.

      One of my favorite books I had to read in high school was Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine. He really is a brilliant writer.

  2. Dear Beth,
    That sounds like a most memorable story, that stuck with you for a while, especially around this time too. It’s amazing what books can mean to us at different times in our lifes and how we associate feelings and thoughts with the first time they come into our lifes.
    Let us know, how you find it again. 🙂
    Nice blog you have here, and thanks for taking part in the October AW Blog Chain. 🙂
    Glad to hear WordPress got sorted in the end.

  3. I can’t believe I never read that. (shakes head in wonder). And yes, Bradbury is wonderful.

    Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays for many reasons.

  4. Me neither! So sad that I’ve never even heard of it. 😦 You’ve inspired me to look for it, get it and read it. 🙂 Especially since I have a near-teen and two to follow him … perhaps I can then pass it to them as a tradition. Neat!

  5. I have to read this book now, it sounds so interesting!

    And I like your writing very much – such strong imagery to describe the heart of the season. Lovely.

  6. Sounds like a great tradition. I think I’ve missed that particular tale, so I’m going to try and track it down before October ends.

    (love the picture–I have a thing for creepy-looking trees.)


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